
Showing posts with the label Life Modern

KID on maternity leave!

Hey everybody, I have not been very active on the blog lately, and it is with very mixed feelings that I am writing this post. Everything has just been a little overwhelming these last months, with a massive amount of work in the store and me being almost too pregnant now! Working at home is a great privilege to be able to be more present in the life of your family, but it also results in a difficulty to separate your professional life and staying up at crazy hours trying to get some actual concentrated work done. Maintaining the blog has been a little too much for me lately, so I have decided that the best thing is to take a break/maternity leave from it, cause hey... I am not Wonder Woman and even though I would really love to, I have to tell my self that I can't do it all.  The blog is a wonderful way for me to share all the fun, quirky, crazy and just really cool kids fashion brands and their awesome collections that I discover though research and most importantly through the