
Showing posts with the label lifestyle

10 inspirational monochrome kids rooms

So my baby boy is not so baby anymore! Up until now he has been sleeping in our bedroom, simply because he has been waking up 10.000 times during the night. His older sister was the perfect example of babies who sleep through the night (and I mean 12 hours straight!) at the age of six months without us doing anything. This one doesn't... And we were not prepared for that! He is now almost 1 1/2 years old and still wakes up a couple of times (or five...) BUT I am finally seeing an end to this and so we are slowly thinking about moving him out of our room and in to a shiny, new one. I have of course been searching Pinterest  for inspiration and these 10 monochrome kids rooms are the ones I liked the most!  Love the black and white style mixed with that beautiful yellow, and the diagonal blackboard rocks! Found here Now that tent-bed is just awesome! This monochrome kids room was found here     Such a cool idea with blackboard closet doors! And the monochrome mountain curtain is so g

Getting down a cool pregnancy style

Cool pregnancy style (photo via  this pin ) From today on the blog is going to take a new turn! Now don't worry, I am of course still going write about kids fashion , but I am going to expand the lifestyle part a great deal. Since I began my maternity leave from the blog I started receiving mails from a lot of you new and not so new mums out there, asking me about different and more practical baby stuff, like for example my choice of stroller, my attitude towards baby carriers and which are the most stylish ones without compromising the health of the baby, stylish clothes pregnancy brands and brands for breastfeeding etc etc... And yes, I am REALLY selective when it comes to shopping for myself and my family, I literally spend days of research to find  just the right shoe or whatever needed.   I thought, what the hell! I might as well share my conclusions while shopping for some of those necessities and must-haves and spear you for doing the same thing ;) Soft and comfortable cot

KID on maternity leave!

Hey everybody, I have not been very active on the blog lately, and it is with very mixed feelings that I am writing this post. Everything has just been a little overwhelming these last months, with a massive amount of work in the store and me being almost too pregnant now! Working at home is a great privilege to be able to be more present in the life of your family, but it also results in a difficulty to separate your professional life and staying up at crazy hours trying to get some actual concentrated work done. Maintaining the blog has been a little too much for me lately, so I have decided that the best thing is to take a break/maternity leave from it, cause hey... I am not Wonder Woman and even though I would really love to, I have to tell my self that I can't do it all.  The blog is a wonderful way for me to share all the fun, quirky, crazy and just really cool kids fashion brands and their awesome collections that I discover though research and most importantly through the

Out and about: Boats!

So this weekend we did one of our absolute favorite things, going to the sea to have a seafood paella! Sorry, when I even started thinking about the camera we were already way in to the coffee, so no photos of that baby, but man it was good! Anyways, the best thing for my daughter, O., was definitely the walk around the port, admiring all of the beautiful boats and dreaming about taking one of them to sea. She is fascinated about all kinds of transportation, but there is something special or romantic and almost mystical about boats sailing off into the ocean that just makes you wonder and imagine the life out there...     O. is such a busy little bee, it is so lovely seeing how everything interests her and how easily amazed she is with even the most insignificant little doodle. All things must be examined and at the moment everything even talks, whether it's a small ant, a beautiful stone, a piece of garbage or a tree about to be peed on! I love walking around with her making up al

Out and About: Found the horses!

Hey everybody! So I realized the other day, that I hadn't written anything from our everyday life in a very long time. Of course, with all the fantastic new autumn releases it has been one collection after the other, and so I thought it might be time to come back to basics, right?! This weekend has been all about enjoying the momentary slow life, relaxing with the family and not wanting to do anything special. These weekends somehow always turns out to be the best and the most adventurous in the end, maybe because you stop thinking about things you want to do and just fully appreciate and really notice the moment you are in. I tend to get "a tiny bit" hyper active when it comes to the weekends, there are so many things I want to do and see, and my husband is just the opposite who wants to relax! It's two different ways of disconnecting, but of course equally valid, and despite of everything we always seem to find a middle way that works for both of us.  This weekend t