
Showing posts with the label Photography

Kira Kids Autum-Winter 2014/15 - Quirky kids clothes made in USA

Kira Kids is another kidswear brand I have completely fallen head over heals for! I love their quirky, unisex style with fun illustrations and their new autumn collection 2014 is a blast. I have a thing for weird foods on kids clothes, so when I saw those pretzels and specially that hot dog with mustache and top hat, I just had to share it with you ;) Their AW14 'Big City' collection is inspired by the buzzing life in New York City, the typical street food munchies and the stories and adventures every street corner hides. Their super cool look book has a funky retro air and is shot by the ever brilliant Flannery O'Kafka and styled by Ashley Gibson . Nice, right?! On top of it, all of their garments are made in the USA and they use non-toxic water based ink for their prints. Swing by the Kira Kids website for more info or find your nearest stockist here . Don't forget to join the KID family for more  cool kids fashion and style inspiration!

Waddler Autumn-Winter 2014/15 kids fashion collection

For this autumn/winter 2014/15 the lovely  Waddler family has moved on from their last Brazilian beach adventure  to the wilds of the Uruguayan pampas. Their quirky and oh so wonderful, new, vintage style collection is called ' The Outstanding Journey of the Waddler Caravan ' and is inspired by the old fashioned circuses that once traveled around those lands.  As always, their collection is made of luxurious baby alpaca yarn and soft organic cotton, but adding some new funky and very appropriate prints, if I might say, like the English bowler hat and the South American lama.     I love (=must have and need for little O.!) those cozy knit pants! And the fluffy Pierrot collars on the bigger boys are so much fun and really ad something special to that quirky, vintage style. Right now Waddler  is having an AMAZING  photo competition  where you can win nothing less than  1000£  for all of your favorite Waddler styles +  1000£ for an adventure in South America , oh là là!!!!!  That

Out and about: Boats!

So this weekend we did one of our absolute favorite things, going to the sea to have a seafood paella! Sorry, when I even started thinking about the camera we were already way in to the coffee, so no photos of that baby, but man it was good! Anyways, the best thing for my daughter, O., was definitely the walk around the port, admiring all of the beautiful boats and dreaming about taking one of them to sea. She is fascinated about all kinds of transportation, but there is something special or romantic and almost mystical about boats sailing off into the ocean that just makes you wonder and imagine the life out there...     O. is such a busy little bee, it is so lovely seeing how everything interests her and how easily amazed she is with even the most insignificant little doodle. All things must be examined and at the moment everything even talks, whether it's a small ant, a beautiful stone, a piece of garbage or a tree about to be peed on! I love walking around with her making up al

Out and About: Found the horses!

Hey everybody! So I realized the other day, that I hadn't written anything from our everyday life in a very long time. Of course, with all the fantastic new autumn releases it has been one collection after the other, and so I thought it might be time to come back to basics, right?! This weekend has been all about enjoying the momentary slow life, relaxing with the family and not wanting to do anything special. These weekends somehow always turns out to be the best and the most adventurous in the end, maybe because you stop thinking about things you want to do and just fully appreciate and really notice the moment you are in. I tend to get "a tiny bit" hyper active when it comes to the weekends, there are so many things I want to do and see, and my husband is just the opposite who wants to relax! It's two different ways of disconnecting, but of course equally valid, and despite of everything we always seem to find a middle way that works for both of us.  This weekend t