
Showing posts with the label cool pregnancy style

Getting down a cool pregnancy style

Cool pregnancy style (photo via  this pin ) From today on the blog is going to take a new turn! Now don't worry, I am of course still going write about kids fashion , but I am going to expand the lifestyle part a great deal. Since I began my maternity leave from the blog I started receiving mails from a lot of you new and not so new mums out there, asking me about different and more practical baby stuff, like for example my choice of stroller, my attitude towards baby carriers and which are the most stylish ones without compromising the health of the baby, stylish clothes pregnancy brands and brands for breastfeeding etc etc... And yes, I am REALLY selective when it comes to shopping for myself and my family, I literally spend days of research to find  just the right shoe or whatever needed.   I thought, what the hell! I might as well share my conclusions while shopping for some of those necessities and must-haves and spear you for doing the same thing ;) Soft and comfortable cot