
Showing posts with the label lotiekids

Out and About: Found the horses!

Hey everybody! So I realized the other day, that I hadn't written anything from our everyday life in a very long time. Of course, with all the fantastic new autumn releases it has been one collection after the other, and so I thought it might be time to come back to basics, right?! This weekend has been all about enjoying the momentary slow life, relaxing with the family and not wanting to do anything special. These weekends somehow always turns out to be the best and the most adventurous in the end, maybe because you stop thinking about things you want to do and just fully appreciate and really notice the moment you are in. I tend to get "a tiny bit" hyper active when it comes to the weekends, there are so many things I want to do and see, and my husband is just the opposite who wants to relax! It's two different ways of disconnecting, but of course equally valid, and despite of everything we always seem to find a middle way that works for both of us.  This weekend t